Leadership Profile | Charlene Seini

“The IT industry offers so many career opportunities for people, and it is truly up to you on how your career evolves and grows - which I find empowering and energising.” Growing up around computers, Charlene developed a keen interest in technology and software from a young age. “I loved the seemingly endless possibilities that software...

Leadership Profile | Carolyn Elliott

“Growing up, I was always fascinated by people - what motivated them, what inspired their thinking and behaviours. This deep interest in people and what makes them ‘tick’ has played a significant role in my career journey within Human Resources.” Carolyn Elliott, Head of Human Resources at Saratoga is often affectionately referred to as our ‘Heart...

BA Summit 2020 | Supporting the Business Analysis Community

Saratoga has a long and established relationship with the South African IIBA Chapter, as well as the Business Analysis Summit. For many years now, we’ve been a proud sponsor of the BA Summit and numerous of our Consultants have presented talks and lightning talks, attended the conference and have volunteered with the IIBA SA in...

Leadership Profile | Anthony Robinson

Anthony Robinson’s journey with the company started back in 2002, when he along with two other Post Graduates from the University of Cape Town decided to merge their tech start-up with Saratoga. This merger, which was the beginning of the company Saratoga is today, remains a significant milestone in Anthony’s professional career. While for Anthony it...

Leadership Profile | Rafieqah Isaacs

As the Operations Manager of Business Consulting at Saratoga, Rafieqah Isaacs manages our team of skilled Business Consultants and guides the team in both their client project deliveries and with their professional and career development journeys. The ability to solve complex business problems and seeing the tangible positive impacts these solutions deliver to client organisations is...

Donal Slemon, Senior Developer

As a Senior Developer at Saratoga, most of Donal Slemon’s days start the same way - with a good, strong cup of coffee. Following his caffeine fix Donal goes on to check his emails, before diving into implementing solutions or working on ideas for problems he’s tackling on the client project.   An important part of his...

Information Security in the age of information

As an experienced provider of professional solution delivery services, Saratoga has built a solid global client base of organisations within various sectors such as financial services, retail, media and supply chain management. To ensure that we continually provide sustainable and secure technology solutions to our clients, Saratoga embarked on a journey to understand and adhere...

Continuous learning at Saratoga – tech talks, Hackathon and virtual talks

At Saratoga, creating an environment of learning is an ongoing focus for our staff and the organisation as a whole. Spark Sessions To encourage continuous learning, we regularly host Spark sessions at the Saratoga Head Offices where our consultants present talks to their colleagues. The focus of these talks range from discussing new technology trends,...

Saratoga Software