Leadership Profile | Anthony Robinson

Saratoga Software - Blog - Anthony Robinson

Leadership Profile | Anthony Robinson

Anthony Robinson’s journey with the company started back in 2002, when he along with two other Post Graduates from the University of Cape Town decided to merge their tech start-up with Saratoga.

This merger, which was the beginning of the company Saratoga is today, remains a significant milestone in Anthony’s professional career. While for Anthony it feels like Saratoga has so much more to do, he knows that a strong foundation with a talented team has been established. “I’m grateful to the employees at Saratoga, and for incredible business partners like Mark Gebhardt, CEO of Saratoga. I know Saratoga and our team will achieve even more to be proud of as we continue delivering quality professional services to our global client base.”         

For Anthony, the software and technology industries offered the best opportunity to do interesting and creative work in light of his engineering background, and this was why he ultimately chose a career in this field. Over time he shifted his focus to the business side. Beyond his contributions to Saratoga, Anthony has also been involved with organisations in various technology-based sectors – from the digital transformation of a large media organisation, to renewable energy and digital marketing. “I’m happiest when I’m creating or building something”.

After 14 years as the CEO of Saratoga, Anthony moved into the role of Deputy Chairman and then Executive Chairman in 2018. In his current role, Anthony focuses on the business growth of Saratoga which consists of new partnerships, new service verticals and acquiring or starting businesses which compliment Saratoga. “In my leadership roles I’ve come to learn that each person is of equal value and brings a unique perspective and contribution, and I try to reflect that in my leadership style.”

Through his role as Executive Chairman, Saratoga’s values and company mission strongly align with Anthony’s personal values. “As an organisation we’ve set ourselves the goal of measurably improving the lives of one hundred million people through the technology solutions we deliver to our clients and partners. When we began that sounded like a huge number, but by our most recent measure we’ve already reached the twenty million people mark. It’s fulfilling starting each day, framing the clients and projects we seek as well as the quality of what we deliver, with this goal in mind.”

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