Leadership Profile | Charlene Seini

Saratoga Software - Blog - Charlene Seini

Leadership Profile | Charlene Seini

“The IT industry offers so many career opportunities for people, and it is truly up to you on how your career evolves and grows – which I find empowering and energising.”

Growing up around computers, Charlene developed a keen interest in technology and software from a young age. “I loved the seemingly endless possibilities that software offered a person.” When Charlene was initially deciding which field of study within IT she wanted to pursue, she realised that her interests centred more on the business and people side of the technology industry.  

Four years into her career journey, Charlene realised she needed a professional change. Choosing to move to a new company was a massive step for Charlene, as she wanted to make the right move for herself and her career in the long term. At the top of her list for her new role was joining a company which offered career longevity, invested in their people and provided real opportunities for career growth.

Charlene found her home away from home with Saratoga, and has made the most of the opportunities provided by the company to gain exposure in different industries – affording her the opportunity to her stretch her abilities and learn new ones. “Joining Saratoga was one of the best decisions I ever made for my career and personal development.”

During her time as a member of the Saratoga team, Charlene has been a Business Analyst, mentor, coach and Delivery Manager. “I have been able to follow my interests and develop my skill sets in a way that brings me both personal and professional fulfilment.”    

Now in her role as Operations Manager of Quality Assurance, Charlene Seini is responsible for the overall operations and management of the Quality Assurance division and team. While her duties as Operations Manager encompasses many things, one of the important aspects of Charlene’s role is to support the career development of her team. “The skills of our people and the love they have for what they do is our greatest strength as a company”.

From the Gallop’s Strengths Finder profile she completed a few years ago, Charlene found that her two top strengths are building meaningful relationships and developing the skills of others. “Having these insights, I was able to find my own personal leadership style – one that feels authentic to who I am.” While Charlene naturally identifies with a coaching-style of leadership, she also embraces the insights she gains from her team. “It is so important to reflect on and consider the thoughts and opinions of others when making decisions.”

The development of her skills as both a consultant and as a leader is an ongoing journey for Charlene. “I’ve read a lot of books and completed both formal and informal studies, but to me nothing has compared to learning from the people around me.” Throughout her career, Charlene has been fortunate to have several mentors, and each of them have taught Charlene many valuable lessons which have guided her career and professionals choices. On many occasions, these mentors helped her to truly explore her interests and pushed her outside of her comfort zone. “I have been so very fortunate to be surrounded by so many great, inspiring people.”

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